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The network is dedicated to a key motive for founding the European Union, which is strengthening peace, solidarity and human rights within Europe and beyond. In order to implement our vision, the core of the activities of our European University Network naturally relies on extensive work on the curriculum of all students. The objective is to ensure that the teaching methods systematically expose students to diversity and pluralism in the various meanings of the terms:

  • In the sense of the capacity to practice inclusion, through fighting biases based on difference of gender, disability, race, origin
  • In the sense of tolerance and respect for the diversity of cultures, through the capacity to deal with intercultural setting and make the most of them
  • In the sense of diversity of opinion and point of view, through the capacity to deal with political and moral pluralism as a fundamental asset and challenge of contemporary democratic societies.

With EUPeace, we commit to creating a teaching and learning experience with our students and staff that will empower us to create the conditions necessary for maintaining peace and justice while cultivating inclusive societies. To do so:

  • We will develop teaching and learning experiences where students, whatever their course of study, are empowered to work in conditions of diversity, are able to understand the roots of conflictual situations and learn how to manage them effectively.
  • We will bring our academic communities together to generate knowledge about conflict forecasting, prevention, and resolution, and the conditions necessary for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies. In this, we emphasise that such approaches are important and relevant in all disciplinary fields from Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • We will transform this knowledge into concrete practices through the skills of our students, the fostering of trans-disciplinarity, and the co-construction of know-how to our local communities.

Finally, because our academic staff is all the more likely to engage actively in common teaching practices if they also collaborate in research, we will leverage the consortium for research and societal outreach as well. We will create Research Hubs, starting with the research topics which are central to the values of tolerance, diversity and pluralism, but this focus will by no means be exclusive: we will encourage research collaborations in all topics, because this will contribute to the success of our main objective in the field of education.

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