23.03.2023 Representatives from the Universities of Mostar and Prishtina visit the University of Marburg

From left to right: Meike Röhl (International Office, Justus-Liebig Universität), Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker (Center for Conflict Studies, UMR), Dr. Lumnije Bajrami (Director International Relations Office, University of Prishtina) , Raphael Peter (International Office, UMR), Afërdita Rexhepi (International Relations Office, University of Prishtina), Dr. Milea Ajduk Kurtović (Faculty of Science and Education, University of Mostar), Dr. Jelena Jurčić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mostar), Eva Froneberg (Center for Conflict Studies, UMR)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker, President's Delegate for EUPeace, took the chance of the recent Erasmus+ Staff Week held in Marburg, to meet with colleagues from the Universities of Prishtina and Mostar to discuss the overall EUPeace strategy and foster a multiplier-effect.
Offering mobility for students and staff via short-term programs such as International Summer Universities was identified as one promising tool to enhance cooperation.
Raphael Peter
Mail: eupeace@uni-marburg.de