Main Content
Associated Partners
The Alliance includes over 30 Associated Partners, spanning from elementary and secondary schools to higher education institutions outside of Europe and non-governmental organisations and research organisations active in the field of peace keeping. EUPeace Associated Partners are carefully selected for their relevance on the topics of peace, justice, and inclusion and are representing regions within as well as outside Europe to support the EUPeace global outreach activities and to have a long-term impact.
Higher Education/Research Centre

Universität Klagenfurt (AAU)/University of Klagenfurt: University of Klagenfurt is a federal Austrian research university and the largest research and higher education institution in the state of Carinthia. Its researchers work on a wide range of problems to ensure security in virtual and real life, to mitigate threats, and to positively shape social progress.

Univerzitet 'Džemal Bijedić' u Mostaru/University of Dzemal Bijedic in Mostar: Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar is aiming to be a flexible, functional and socially responsible higher-education institution, recognised in the region for its modern study programmes of all cycles, and oriented toward cooperation, internationalisation and high quality.

Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – CAPAZ/German Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ: The German Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ, a Centre of Excellence in Research and Teaching, is a cooperation platform operating in Germany and Colombia. The Institute stimulates the exchange of experiences and knowledge on peacebuilding through the creation of networks between universities, research centres, civil society organisations, and governmental entities that act in the territorial arena.

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana/Javeriana University: The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Colombia is a Catholic institution of higher education, founded in 1623 by the Jesuits, committed to the educational principles and guidelines of the founding entity.

Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung – Institut der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft/Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe: The Marburg-based Herder Institute is an internationally renowned center for research on Eastern Central Europe. It supports a wide range of scientific activities on the historical and cultural development of East Central Europe through its research, knowledge transfer, documentation and digitalisation departments.

Universiteti i Prishtinës/University of Prishtina (UP): The University of Pristina is a higher education institution, globally recognised for professionalism, integrity, quality teaching, and research. In harmony with the needs of the economy and the market, it will establish and maintain quality standards, supporting the mobility and development of academic careers for staff and students, increasing the number of partners, and joining the European higher education community.,1

OSCE Academy of Bishkek: The OSCE Academy in Bishkek is designed to promote and enhance the principles and values of the OSCE in the Central Asia. The Academy provides a regional and international public forum for professionals and students in the spirit of co-operation in the fields of international relations, comprehensive security, democratisation, the rule of law and human rights, economics, international development, public policy.

European Center for Peace and Development University for Peace est. by the United Nations (ECPD): The European Center for Peace and Development University for Peace est. by the United Nations (ECPD), an international intergovernmental higher education and research organisation which operates within the UN acedemic system, is devoted to dissemination of knowledge, education and professional development of human resources as a universal source of genuine progress for each society.

Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM): The Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) was founded in April 2020 as an international centre for interdisciplinary research and academic exchange. It is based at the Université de Tunis, Tunisia and plans to establish network locations in Casablanca, Morocco and Beirut, Lebanon.

Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана/Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (KNEU): It is the university's mission to contribute to the development of the society by means of the scientific research, the generation and the dissemination of the new knowledge, and the training of competitive specialists and creative personalities. More than 36,000 students study in KNEU, located in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська академія» (НаУКМА)/National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA): NaUKMA is the leader in innovation that actively influences the future of Ukraine and its society. The Academy organically combines scientific activity, educational process and the acquisition of practical skills of the highest quality.

Coventry University: Coventry University, located in Coventry, England, is a dynamic and forward-thinking institution known for its emphasis on applied research and strong industry links. Established as a university in 1992, it offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across various disciplines, fostering innovation and practical skills through state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to student employability.

Queen's University Belfast: Queen’s University has been making a difference to societies locally, nationally and internationally since 1845. Queen’s focus is on shaping the world around us through innovative, impactful and world-leading research which has made positive changes to people’s lives.

University of Kent: The University of Kent was founded in 1965 and has around 20,000 students. It is committed to supporting outstanding research and innovation across the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences.

31. základní škola/31st Elementary School in Pilsen: The primary school is located in Pilsen, Czech Republic. It has a focus on the development of the sporting skills of its students.

Základní škola Štěnovice/Elementary School in Štěnovice: Základní škola Štěnovice, located in the Plzeň-jih district, in Pilsen, Czech Republic, is dedicated to the harmonious development of children through a blend of academic programmes and extracurricular activities. The school emphasises close ties with nature, fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment for its students.

Masarykova ZŠ Plzeň/Masarykova Elementary School in Pilsen: Masarykova Elementary School in Pilsen, Czech Republic, is a primary educational institution focusing on providing a comprehensive education to young students, emphasising academic excellence, personal development, and community involvement, in a supportive and inclusive learning environment. The school is one of the model schools for teaching robotics in Pilsen, equipped with above-standard robotic kits, robots, VR glasses and 3D printers for educational purposes.

Lycée Auguste Renoir/Auguste Renoir High School: Lycee Auguste Renoir is located in Limoges, France. It offers a comprehensive educational experience from secondary school to post-baccalaureate levels.

Cite scolaire Bernard Palissy - Saint Leonard de Noblat/Bernard Palissy High School: Lycée Bernard Palissy, located in Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, France, is a public high school under the Académie de Limoges. The school offers a range of programmes, including a European section and boarding facilities, aiming to provide a well-rounded education to its students.

Lycée Gay-Lussac: Lycée Gay-Lussac, located in Limoges, France, is a historic general and technological high school that offers a variety of academic programmes, including preparatory classes for higher education. Established in the 16th century, the school emphasises both traditional academic excellence and modern educational approaches.

Gesamtschule Gießen-Ost (GGO)/Integrated Comprehensive School Giessen-East: The Gesamtschule Gießen-Ost, located in Gießen, Germany, is a comprehensive school that offers a wide range of academic and extracurricular programmes designed to support the holistic development of its students. The school focuses on fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, promoting both academic success and personal growth.

Landschulheim Steinmühle/Steinmuehle International School: Steinmühle, located in Marburg, Germany, is a combined school and boarding institution that emphasises individualised learning and community values. The school offers a broad curriculum, including a bilingual programme and a strong focus on STEM subjects, fostering both academic excellence and personal development.

Liceo Classico Bernardino Telesio: Liceo Classico Bernardino Telesio, located in Cosenza, Italy, is a prestigious classical high school that offers various academic tracks, including European and biomedicine programmes. The school is dedicated to providing a rigorous education that fosters intellectual growth and cultural enrichment.

Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo/Our Lady of Remembrance College: Colegio Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo, located in Madrid, Spain, is a Jesuit educational institution that offers a comprehensive academic programme from early childhood education through secondary school. The school emphasises Ignatian pedagogy, fostering intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth among its students.

Özel Adana Gündoğdu College (LVG)/Gündoğdu College, Adana: Gündoğdu College is located in the south of Türkiye, in Adana. The school is attended by around 3,000 pupils and is the largest in the southern region.

Mes Mains en or: The Limoges-based association works to promote access to reading and culture for children with disabilities, and more specifically for visually impaired children. Around twenty volunteers pool their time and skills to create specially adapted tactile books by hand.

Berghof Foundation: The Berghof Foundation is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation supporting people in conflict in their efforts to achieve sustainable peace through conflict transformation and peacebuilding. Located in Berlin, the foundation has worked in over 50 countries in recent years.

Institutul Român pentru Pace (PATRIR)/Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR): The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) was founded in 2001 as a non-governmental, non-profit, politically independent organization in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The institute has as basic principles non-violence, conflict transformation, the promotion of human rights through information and awareness raising by solutions oriented, social, political and economic analysis.

Центр діалогу і примирення “Іскра”/Center for Dialogue and Reconciliation – Iskra: Center for Dialogue and Reconciliation “Iskra” is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 2008 in Mykolaiv, southern Ukraine. It serves as a platform for young people interested in the building of a multicultural, tolerant, and diverse society.
Public Authorities/Agencies

Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts: The state of Hessen is rich and diverse in science and culture. This is reflected in the work and tasks carried out by the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts, located in Wiesbaden.

Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities: The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities located in Madrid, is the State Administration department responsible for the implementation of the Government's policy on scientific and technical research, technological development and innovation in all sectors, including the management of international relations in this area and Spanish representation in programmes, forums and organisations in the European Union and the relevant international organisations.

Pilsen Region: The Pilsen Region, situated in western Bohemia in the Czech Republic, is governed by a Regional Authority headed by a Governor. Known for its brewing heritage, with Pilsen as its capital, the authority manages regional development, infrastructure, education, and social services.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region: The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, located in southwestern France, is the largest administrative region in the country. Governed by a Regional Council headed by a President, it oversees economic development, transportation, education, and cultural affairs, with Bordeaux serving as its capital.

Calabria Region: The Regional Authority of the Region of Calabria, located in the southern part of Italy, is the governing body responsible for administering the region. Calabria, known for its rich history, stunning coastlines, and cultural heritage, operates under a regional government framework as outlined by the Italian Constitution.

Rectorat de l'académie de Limoges/Academic Rectorate/Board of Education: The Academic Rectorate/Board of Education is responsible for the content and organisation of educational activities within the region of Limoges and represents the Minister for Education within the region and its constituent departments.

GIZ - Civil Peace Service: The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is a programme that works to prevent violence in regions affected by conflict and crisis and to promote peace. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH participates in the CPS with more than 110 international and local experts in 21 countries.
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