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Teaching Staff Academy 2024
The members of the WP2 of the EUPeace Alliance are pleased to announce that the first edition of the Teaching Staff Academy will be held from December 10th to 13th, 2024, online, combining 2 sub-events, the Training week from December 10th and 11th, and the Teaching Europe Conference, from December 12th and 13th.
In line with the EUPeace mission statement, the objective of this first edition of the Teaching Europe Conference is to develop joint and innovative teaching and learning experiences, to identify innovative teaching practices in all the partner universities, and bring our entire academic communities together to generate knowledge, competence and innovative approaches to fostering peace, justice, and inclusive societies.
The objectives of the events are to:
- Share best practices, innovative methods to peers and students through the presentations
- Train peers and students to new methods or techniques through the workshops
- Share the values of the project with teachers, trainers and students of the Alliance universities
- Bring together colleagues and students from various universities and training institutes in Europe
- Create a Europe-wide network on innovative training methods and capacity building on inclusion and diversity
- Widen the cooperation to education/training programmes and offer the possibility to cooperate through national or European funding (Erasmus programme, etc.)
Training week – December 10th and 11th (Mandatory registration - 3 persons per institution)
Registration for the training week via this link:
You can find the programme here
Teaching Europe Conference – December 12th and 13th (Open to all)
Registration for the Conference via this link:
You can find the programme here
Zoom Link: