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Our Mission

The commitment to peace, justice, and inclusive societies is at the core of the European ideal and needs to be continuously cultivated. Universities have a strong role to play in the development of teaching, research, and outreach activities fostering the demanding conditions for peace.
To this end, it is important to have a clear definition of our key terms as basis for all steps taken within EUPeace:
Peace - Dealing with existing conflicts by civil means without violence or the threat of violence.
Justice - A state of recognition and of a distribution of goods that allows for the equal opportunity of all members of a society to participate in public life.
Inclusive Societies - Inclusive societies foster a mutual sense of belonging among their members in all their diversity, by offering effective, non-discriminatory means of participation and involvement.
It is only too obvious that the conditions of peace, justice, and inclusion are fragile and heavily contested. We want to tackle this challenge head on by helping future generations of citizens and policy-makers to be aware of the conditions for sustainable peace and equip them with the right tools, knowledge, and skills to foster such conditions. This is what EUPeace commits to do, by acting at three main levels:
We will develop teaching and learning experiences where students, whatever their course of study, are empowered to work in conditions of diversity, are able to understand the roots of conflictual situations and learn how to manage them effectively.
- We will develop teaching and learning experiences where students, whatever their course of study, are empowered to work in conditions of diversity, are able to understand the roots of conflictual situations and learn how to manage them effectively.
- We will bring our academic communities together to generate knowledge about conflict resolutions and the conditions necessary for peace, justice, and inclusive societies. In this, we emphasise that such approaches are important and relevant in all disciplinary fields from Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to Humanities and Social Sciences.
- We will transform this knowledge into concrete practices through the skills of our students, the fostering of trans-disciplinarity, and the co-construction of know-how with our local communities.
Please refer to our Mission Statement for a more detailed description.