18.02.2023 Executive and Academic Strategies Discussed at Comillas Pontifical University
Members of the Presidential Offices and academics of Philipps-Universität Marburg and Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen met with the Rectorate and academic representatives at Comillas Pontifical University.

February 15th and 16th, 2023, Deputy President Prof. Korn (UMR), Vice President Prof. Lorenz (JLU), and President's Delegate for EUPeace Prof. Bonacker (UMR) took the chance to meet with the Rectorate of Comillas Pontifical University, Rector Giménez-Rico and Vice-Rector Bilbao Calabuig. Next to strategic meetings on the immediate joint steps within EUPeace, they used the chance to get leading scientists of all three institutions connected, adding another layer of connections to the already established network, to prepare the path for intensified academic collaboration during the ongoing year.
Sandy Halliday
Mail: eupeace@uni-marburg.de