05.08.2024 Prof. Zuhal Okan receives Certificate of Appreciation for her achievements
Zuhal Okan recognized for achievements as EUPeace Coordinator at Çukurova University

Recognition of Achievements of Prof. Zuhal Okan
During an official Project Award Ceremony of the Rectorate of Çukurova University on 19 July 2024, Prof. Dr. Zuhal Okan was presented with a "Certificate of Achievement" for her work within EUPeace. Rector Meryem Tuncel personally presented Prof. Okan with the Certificate and recognized her dedication and hard work to make the academic goals of EUPeace a reality at Çukurova University.
The entire EUPeace community congratulates Zuhal Okan on occasion of the recognition! We are looking forward to the further joint EUPeace work ahead of us.
EUPeace Coordination Office
Mail: info@eupeace.eu