25.01.2024 EUPeace holds the first workshop on EU global actorness
EU as a Global Governance Actor project, funded by the EUPeace fund, held first workshop, bringing together academics from Comillas, Marburg, Limoges and Calabria

As part of the EU as a Global Governance Actor project, academics from 4 universities of the EUPeace network have met and discussed how the European Union is dealing with current international crises and events. The main topics have been the EU contribution to international efforts aiming for a more efficient use of international aid to achieve higher levels of global development, and how the EU is dealing with climate change and crisis resolution.
The project aims to create a network of experts looking at how the European Union is becoming an actor that contributes to global peace and growth. As a next step, the academics participating in the project will conduct joint research on topics such as the consequences of the EU governance in environmental matters, the role of the European Parliament in the Ukrainian Crisis, and the EU’s external Land Politics.
The results will be shared both within the participating universities and beyond through subsequent events and publications. The project creates a strategic opportunity for joint research within the EUPeace framework on topics of high policy relevance.