05.08.2024 EUPeace represented at Gender Equality Workshop of Seyhan District Municipality in Adana
Gender Equality Workshop in Adana

A Gender Equality Workshop was organized by Seyhan Municipality on 17 July 2024. The workshop was attended by the relevant units of the municipalities, NGOs active in Adana, universities, and representatives of international organizations. Prof. Dr. Zuhal Okan and Duygu Bahçekapılı, representing Çukurova University and EUPeace, participated in the meeting. During the workshop an introduction to EUPeace was given to the participants, including the Mayor of of Seyhan District in Adana. During the subsequent questions and discussions, the Mayor of Seyhan District in Adana expressed her support for EUPeace and the willingnes of the city to cooperate. Local NGOs showed particular interest in cooperation within the frame of the Work Package on Societal Dialogue and welcomed the initiative to involve local organisations.
EUPeace Coordination Office
Mail: info@eupeace.eu