15.04.2024 Call for Research Hubs open until 15 May

EUPeace is the European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies. Our mission is to pro-vide tomorrow’s citizens with the skills, knowledge, and experience to cultivate Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies. We explicitly address all sciences and fields, from the humanities and social sciences to the natural and life sciences as well as engineering, and are inspired by the rebuilt bridge of Mostar – the symbol in our logo – as a testament to how dialogue can overcome conflict.
EUPeace is about strengthening the enabling conditions for peace: understanding them better through research, nurturing them actively through education, and fostering them broadly through societal outreach and innovative practices.
EUPeace responds to societal challenges by building world-class Research Hubs from existing scholarly strengths. With the Research Hubs, EUPeace contributes to enriching and strengthening the European Research Area with a transdisciplinary approach to peace, justice and inclusive societies. Thus EUPeace highly contributes to dealing with global challenges - always in dialogue with society. The Research Hubs build on the synergies of EUPeace universities to foster research and research-based teaching with an attention to bringing in all subject areas of the alliance. The Research Hubs are intended as long-term structures, the first phase of activities should be completed by October 2027.
Two Research Hubs are already active:
• Research Hub on Security and Conflict Transformation
• Research Hub on Climate Science and Just Transition
This call is launched to create at least 3 additional EUPeace Research Hubs.
The Research Hubs are the central structures within EUPeace dealing with research, development and innovation. Their overall goal is to create excellent inter- and transdisciplinary research. Their activities should also be geared to Master and Doctoral students. They will be supported by a work package team, providing a framework and setting overall conditions for specific activities. Activities will be implemented and carried out through the hubs. The hubs will organise their work independently.
The call is open to young/senior researchers of all 9 EUPeace universities. Expressions of interest need to be handed in until 15 May, 12pm CEST
Find the full call and the expression of interest form here.
Alexandre Wipf
Mail: info@eupeace.eu