29.05.2024 EUPeace Round Table at the University of Limoges on 24 May

Yann Brenner
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As part of the doctoral graduation ceremony of the University of Limoges, held on 24 May 2024, a Round Table was organised showcasing EUPeace and, more specifically, the European commitment of the University of Limoges to education and research and to defending the fundamental values of inclusive societies. This event was held in the context of the European elections at the beginning of June 2024, when the political landscape in the European Union will change.

The round table discussions centred on post-conflict management issues, the training of the teachers of tomorrow (within the framework of EUPeace Unilim is leader for work package 3 - dedicated to the internationalisation of teachers training), exchanges of best practice between the various European partners historical diversity and on the European values of solidarity and inclusion. 

The President of the University of Limoges, Isabelle Klock-Fontanille, as well as its Vice-President of International Strategy, Laurent Bourdier took part in the round table next to Evelyn Korn, Deputy President of Marburg University and Chair of the Governing Board of EUPeace. Together they exchanged with Françoise Tulkens, Professor of Law, Honorary Doctorate from the University of Limoges (2006), Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (1998-2012), President of the Court (2011-2012), Hélène Pauliat, Professor of public law, former President of the University of Limoges, (2012-2016), President of EUROPA ONG, Pascal Plas, Director of the International Institute for Research on Conflictuality (Iirco), holder of the Chair of Excellence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Management, and Romain Lucas-Roper, EUPeace President’s Delegate at the University of Limoges. 

Following the round table the participants joined the doctoral graduation ceremony of the university and shared a few words on the theme of this year’s ceremony ‘Peace and Justice, the Doctorate at the service of society on a European scale’ before an inaugural lecture by Françoise Tulkens, Academic Patron of the ceremony. 


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