09.05.2023 EUPeace Round Table: How to Build Peace and Security after Conflict? – European Perspectives

On May 4th the Center for Conflict Studies of the University of Marburg and the Centre for Conflict Analysis of University of Kent hosted a virtual Round Table on European Perspectives on Peacebuilding after Violent Conflict. After a short introduction of EUPeace by Moderator Thorsten Bonacker (University of Marburg), Network associates presented their recent research on the topic. Emilie Chevaliers (University of Limoges) gave an input on “Building Peace and Security: how to tackle environmental challenges?”. Edward Morgan-Jones and Neophytos Loizides (University of Kent) shared their research on how institutions can mitigate post-conflict grievances and measure citizens' preferences towards the adoption and adaptation of peace settlements in divided societies and Daniela Serban (Comillas Pontifical University) presented her findings on “Peace and Development through the Lense of South-South Triangular Cooperation”. Following the presentations, the participants discussed various aspects, e.g. the role of compensations in peace processes, chances and challenges for environmental peacebuilding and how to create inclusiveness in peace settlements.
Raphael Peter
Mail: eupeace@uni-marburg.de