22.11.2023 EUPeace Steering Committee meets in Marburg

The EUPeace Steering Committee Members from left to right: Yann Brenner (University of Limoges), Davorka Topić Stipić (University of Mostar), Jana Ovsjanniková (Universiyt of West-Bohemia), Josef Basl (University of West-Bohemia), Zuhal Okan (Cukurova University), Eva Zimmermann (University of Giessen), Asli Ilgit (Cukurova University), Arturo Varona Bosque (Comillas Pontifical University), Petra Kienle (University of Marburg), Julia Volz (University of Giessen), Inja Stojkić (University of Mostar), Imke Polland-Schmandt (University of Giessen), Sandy Halliday (University of Marburg)
On Nov 16th and 17th the EUPeace Steering Committee convened on-site in Marburg. Alliance members from Mostar, Pilsen, Limoges, Cukurova, Madrid, Marburg and Gießen were present. Moderated by Julia Volz (University of Giessen), the members engaged into two productive days of discussions and strategy development.
Day one focused on checking-in on processes currently underway, preparing the upcoming second call of the EUPeace fund, and group discussions on challenges and strategies to solve them as well as best practice examples. After an intensive work session, the group visited the Chemikum, an educational institution with a focus on STEM.
On day two, the members continued with input presentations on expectations, challenges and solutions. The members discussed how to approach community onboarding at their institutions and ways of getting to know each other as institutions. The alliance members talked about institutional structures and challenges they are facing at their home universities. The productive discussion was followed by a presentation on matters of AI as a tool in education.
Raphael Peter
Mail: eupeace@uni-marburg.de