09.09.2024 EUPeace Student Council & Work Package 5 Meeting in Giessen and Marburg
Student Council and Work Package 5 meet for working sessions.

From Tuesday, September 3rd to Friday, September 6th, the Justus-Liebig University of Giessen and Marburg University hosted the first meeting of the Student Council since its founding earlier this year in Limoges. All nine partners were represented by the students. Members of EUPeace Work Package 5 seized the opportunity to get together with the student representatives to further elaborate the important role of students within the EUPeace Alliance.
On Wednesday, September 4th and Thursday, September 5th, the Student Council and Work Package 5 members held separate as well as joint working sessions. The students further elaborated on the code of conduct of the student council and discussed the statutes for the EUPeace Student Association. Additionally, they identified steps and tasks to ensure reaching important milestones. Another important topic was to further develop communication strategies between staff of Work Package 5 and the Student Council. As well as a strategy for publicity work of the Student Council.
The meeting was kindly hosted by the wonderful “Lokal International” in Giessen. This is a unique international meeting space where students studying at Justus-Liebig University of Giessen can get together, connect over a board game or beverage and share their experiences.
On Thursday afternoon the group visited Marburg, had a tour through the city, the university and the university library and further strengthened the connection between students and staff.