23.01.2025 EUPeace Work Plan 2025

In 2025, EUPeace will focus on advancing its education, research, outreach, and institutional initiatives – mainly through its EU-funded EUPeace project. While 2024 concentrated on setting up structures and working modalities, 2025 will witness recurring & key events being organised, central concepts & activities being established and recognised as such within the Alliance (e.g. Teaching Staff Academy (TSA), Research Impact Conferences (RIC)), and our Flagships being further developed.
The team working to Transform Curricula will launch the European Track in its pilot phase, expand the Virtual European Exchange Programme (VEEP), and intensify the work on the development of five joint programmes. The Online Repository will be launched by October, and the TSA will host key events. The team working on the Internationalisation of Teacher Education will publish its Handbook by April. International internships will begin in October and the EUPeace Winter School in January and the Online Summer School in September will further EUPeace’s mission to enhance teacher education and international collaboration.
In 2025, the team supporting Research will strengthen collaboration within EUPeace Research Hubs through seminars and meetings, launch the EUPeace Fellowships, establish the Doctoral Network and Early-Career Network, and identify open research infrastructures. The Research Impact Conference 2025 and the Creative Space for Emerging Topics will foster innovative research.
The team developing Societal Dialogue will roll out LivingLab projects at the nine locations, finalise membership for Societal Dialogue Groups (SoDiGs), and host Bridge Dialogue events in March and April. The team aims to have all projects running by the end of the year, with micro-credential courses on societal impact being developed together with the team working to Transform Curricula.
We will also focus on integrating the Alliance into member universities, with the First Strategy Forum in April and Mid-Term Evaluation. We will launch the Mobility Portal to facilitate student exchanges, and the EUPSA student network as well as student-led events and student challenges will expand. The EUPeace Code of Conduct and the EUPeace Student ID will be brought forward. Furthermore, we will enhance communication and visibility, promoting inclusion and peace.
Additional initiatives beyond our EU-funded project will contribute to preparing the future of the Alliance.
2025 will mark significant progress in all these areas, ensuring the sustainability of EUPeace’s impact.
An overview of our events in 2025 can be accessed here.
Alexandre Wipf
Mail: info@eupeace.eu