17.04.2024 Fruitful and intensive discussions at the University of Sarajevo

The University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) kindly hosted the spring meetings of EUPeace including the Governing Board, the Education Board and the Steering Committee. The bodies of EUPeace took this opportunity to organise a joint session and concentrate on Flagship initiatives of EUPeace, such as the implementation of the European Track and the development of joint programmes. Next to the recurring administrative matters discussed in the bodies, the Governing Board (Top Management of the 9 universities) debated the policy and political initiatives of the Alliance and endorsed, among others, the EUPeace Statement on the upcoming European Elections in June 2024.
The Education Board (Vice Rectors and Vice Presidents in charge of learning and teaching) in cooperation with the WP team in charge engaged in a detailed exchange on the structure and key features of the European Track, to pave the way for swift and efficient implementation of the European Track at all EUPeace sites.
The Steering Committee (academic and administrative leaders of the 9 universities) further pursued its monitoring and steering role by exchanging on the milestones and deliverables due in April. The Committee agreed on the next steps in regards to the EU-funded activities under the European Universities initiative. Furthermore, it also endorsed the Call for Research Hubs (also an EUPeace Flagship Action), which will be open until mid-May.
During our stay in Sarajevo the entire group also had the opportunity to reflect on the necessary conditions for peace through an illuminating and sensible lecture and exchange with the founder and director of the War Childhood Museum in Sarajevo.
These meetings were an important milestone for EUPeace towards structurally establishing the Alliance in all areas, faculties, units and at all locations. It enabled all participants to reflect on the consequences of war and the determinants of peace, justice, and inclusive societies. Let this spirit of Sarajevo guide us in the following months and years.
Alexandre Wipf
Mail: eupeace@uni-marburg.de