24.06.2024 Fund Second Call: 10 Projects receive funding

EUPeace Fund Launched
We are pleased to announce that 10 applications have been approved by the EUPeace Governing Board for funding within the second call of the EUPeace Fund. The projects are a diverse mix of new collaborative ideas as well as initiatives building on projects executed within the first EUPeace Fund Call. The projects will be funded for a period of up to one year, as a step towards permanently creating an EUPeace academic and administrative community and to generate valuable input towards fine-tuning our EUPeace roadmap.
This year‘s projects are:
- International Perspectives on Inclusion
- COILING Inclusion: Towards LGBTQIA+ Intersectional Teaching at European Universities
- Storytelling for Inclusive Education
- EuPaC: Unveiling European Past with Code - a transdisciplinary hackathon
- Legitimation/Deligitimation of War and Violence in Ancient Literature
- Language Ideologies in the EU and wider Europe: reconsidering present and prognosing future
- Creating an Observatory of Places of Memory in the Euro-Mediterranean Area
- Language Centres of the Alliance: Interculturality, Language, Networking, and Engaging Staff
- Our Cultural Heritage – The Basis of our House Europe
- Gender in Higher Education in Times of Uncertainty
Franziska Kramer
Mail: eupeace@uni-marburg.de